Unfortunately we regret to inform you but due to recent weather conditions our Shavuot Retreat is cancelled.
As you know we have received record rain fall in Colorado. Our ranch has been hit particularly hard. In the middle of the night, the stream by the front gate, overflowed its banks and washed away both culverts and the road above it. We contacted a construction crew with heavy equipment to come fix the road at first light, and they have been here since this morning. At this time, they hope to open the road within a few hours but have also told us that if/when it rains, the road will likely wash away again, as we need a few days of dry weather to make a permanent fix. At this point, the only access to our ranch is through our emergency egress, which requires a high clearance 4 wheel drive vehicle. Miki Forsyth, our former care taker who has been working with us all week to ready the ranch, says that she has never seen so much water on the ranch since she came on board in 2008. Indeed, we have a few new streams that are flowing now that have never flowed before.
Additionally, our food for this weekend, was not able to be delivered because Albert Cohen, who was catering most of it, could not access our site in his delivery van.
As much as we wanted to make this weekend work, we do not feel comfortable having a large group here knowing that when it rains we will likely be left with only one emergency egress.
We know that cancelling this weekend is a huge inconvenience to everyone, and we truly apologize.
Because most of the food was being catered by Albert Cohen, and is already prepared, we invite anyone that would like to have food for the chag to head over to HEA between 4:00-5::30 PM to take food for your family. We also will post the Tikkun Leil Shavuot Arrangements in Boulder, HEA and Rodef Shalom below.
I know that we all had looked forward to a weekend of fun and learning together, and I truly hope we will be able to “rain check” for Shavuot next year when we will make sure to have better weather, and also a reinforced culvert system by the front gate.
Of course, if anyone would like their money back, we will issue full refunds. And if you prefer to roll your registration fees into a tax-deductible gift, of course we will welcome any help in offsetting what is inevitably turning into an expensive weekend for us.
Below you can find information about several Shavuot programs happening around the Denver/Boulder community.
Thank you for your understanding. Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!
Rabbi Eliav & Matt

Rodef Shalom: Shavuot Without Borders, Saturday, May 23, 2015, 9:00 p.m.
Enjoy an evening of worship, study, and food, as Rabbis Yaakov Chaitovsky and Bernard Gerson renew their friendly spirit of collaboration.
All are welcome to conclude Shabbat with Mincha & Seudat Shlishit at 7:45 pm,
under the Traditional Auspices of BMH-BJ
9:00 pm Maariv Service (Orthodox & Conservative options)
9:30 pm Text Study with Rabbi Chaitovsky & Rabbi Gerson
“Moses in the Academy of Rabbi Akiba”
10:15 pm Delicious Dairy Dinner
11:00 pm Text Study with guest teacher, Ms. Leora Pushett
Who Knows Seven?
FREE OF CHARGE to Rodef Shalom members and their guests,
but RSVP’s are a must …
Information: 303-399-0035
Bonai Shalom – Boulder, CO
Take care of yourself!
Shabbat Shalom and chag sameach
Rabbi Marc Soloway
Congregation Bonai Shalom
1527 Cherryvale Road
Boulder, CO. 80303
Hebrew Educational Alliance – Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Standing at Sinai: Diversity and Difference in the Jewish Community
Saturday, May 23