We just added a new page to our website called BEING GREEN. We were inspired to create this page after a conversation with Sybil Sanchez, Director of COEJL. She was musing about the need for every Jewish organization to have a link on their website about ways in which they are taking the enviroment into account in their programs. We will continue to update this page in much greater detail over the coming months and years, but wanted to start somewhere. To check out the new page, click here: To read the content, without the fancy videos and pictures, scroll down:
Ramah Outdoor Adventure at Ramah in the Rockies is a unique camp where Jewish living and learning intersect with environmental ethics and sustainability. In our community we seek to live in concert with our natural surroundings. We see ourselves as stewards of the natural world but also willing to use modern technologies in a responsible fashion.
At Ramah Outdoor Adventure, “Being Green” is not just a slogan it is a way of life.
Here are a few of our green initiatives:
n Program:
- Setting the daily schedule to live according to the cycle of the sun
- Incorporating high alpine farming and animal care into our program
- Encouraging campers to appreciate their natural surroundings and to see themselves as stewards of the earth
n Food
- Serving a mainly vegetarian, plant based diet in the dining hall
- Serving sustainable foods in the dining hall
- Incorporating food education into our meals
n Site
- Building permanent tents and buildings that leave a small footprint on the land
- Planting trees throughout the ranch to help with reforestation
- Using an innovative passive solar system to heat water for the shower house
Here are some links to articles and blog posts written about various Green Aspects of our camp.
Can online information sessions change the world? https://www.ramahoutdoors.org/?p=2283
Lifting the Veil with a chicken Shechita https://www.ramahoutdoors.org/?p=1865
Motivating Kids without Sugar: https://www.ramahoutdoors.org/?p=1735
Reactions to the First Lady’s Food program: https://www.ramahoutdoors.org/?p=800
An interview with Rabbi Eliav about the food at camp