This post was written by Sam Greenberg, Camp Ima and the Solelim Edah
Today was Yom Yisrael, a day all about the Jewish homeland of Israel. As the day drew to a close, we asked our Solelim edah (7th/8th age group) to reflect upon their activities today and share with all of our readers.
Written by: India Jeremy, Abigail Lyss, Ethan Swartz, Harris Berger, Orli Weiss
Muffleta is a good food you usually eat to break the fast after Passover. You eat it at a party. Muflleta is made out of fried dough. Muffletah is served in thin pieces like pancakes or crepes and can be topped with honey or butter. It was SO good, and Shalom did a great job of teaching and explaining it to us!
Written by: Yakov Drumm, Spenser Diamond, Reuben Hollander, Saul Amkraut and Molly Fox
Every day we have a certain time to rest, called shaat m’nucha, or “rest hour”. In the boys bunk, we play a card game called president. When the 1B chalutzim came to our bunk, we started playing a game that is like rummy but it is called Phase 10. In the girl’s bunk, they crochet, read, and they laugh about random things. They also eat. (Camp Parent note: Food is not allowed in the ohel…further investigation into this sentence is occurring J )
Written by: Maetal Gerson, Judah Stone, Tamar Moss, and Maya Rubin
Today was Yom Yisrael and we are writing about basic Israeli army training. We split into two teams for our mission: Intelligence and Retrieval. Our mission was to retrieve a package guarded by a counselor (madrich). Intelligence located the package as retrieval snuck through the woods to find it. Finally we got the package and saw that it was full of cookies. We cruched the cookies and talked about our victory. It was a lot of fun!
Written by: Isaac Silber, Casey Fuller, Noah Deener-Agus
Today we made a mini-Israel. It had a lot of important Israeli landmarks, such as the Western Wall, Massadah, and the Dead Sea. We learned about the way things in Israel look. We combined all of our knowledge about Israel to create a mini-Israel. It was really cool.
After this activity, our solelim chalutzim wrote letters to themselves to be mailed out during the Ten Days of Awe. It is really inspiring to hear their reflections as they prepare to leave for their masaot, and as our time at base camp draws to an end. As the weekend ends, our chalutzim and tzevet would like to wish everyone a safe week!