This is a very brief note before Shabbat just to let everyone know that our all of our trips have safely returned to camp. Our chalutzim had an amazing time on their Massaot. Two trips went hiking, (one in Pike national Forest, the other in Rocky mountain national park) one went rafting and biking, one rode horses for the week and one spent the week climbing cliffs in Pike National forest. I will have more to report on Sunday with pictures and vignettes.
As I am sure you will be hearing from camper, yesterday was a stormy day in the Colorado Rockies. All of our trips had to take shelter during some intense electrical storms, including one trip that experienced close lightening strikes. Thankfully, all our campers are completely safe. We are proud of our staff members’ extensive training and their ability to follow all safety guidelines in an electrical storm, as well as all other guidelines for wilderness safety.   We will be reviewing yesterday’s events with our trip leaders to ensure that protocols are adapted as necessary and followed in the future as well.