Checks can be mailed to: Ramah in the Rockies, 300 S Dahlia St, Suite 205, Denver, CO 80246
Ramah in the Rockies is a Colorado 501(c)3 public charity. Tax Id #20-4078988
Colorado Residents: Your gift of $1,000 or more may be eligible for a Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit. Learn more about the 5c tax credit here.
Naming Opportunities
Multi-year pledges welcome
We have completed our major capital rebuilding projects started after the 2017 fire burned our lodge; we opened a new kitchen, dining hall, wellness center, administrative center and bathrooms. We are now planning to make a few environmental upgrades throughout the ranch including: continuing to improve our infrastructure, transition to solar energy, and building a retention pond to ensure our continued ability to store water year round. To accomplish these goals, and to help sustain our existing facilities, we welcome help with the following naming opportunities:
Name our Ranch: $7 million
With these funds we will achieve the aforementioned goals, and seed an endowment fund that will provide enough interest in perpetuity to underwrite scholarships for all eligible campers and support our mishlachat program to bring Israeli staff to camp
Paying off our Mortgage: $3.6 million
With these funds, we will be debt-free and able to divert the carrying costs of the mortgage into our Colorado camper scholarship fund
Name our Mirpa’ah: $750,000
A state-of-the-art facility providing triage, isolation, and sick care to our community
Name our Kitchen: $350,000
Expanded kitchen to better serve our camp community
Soundproofing the Dining Hall: $150,000
While we have a beautiful dining hall, the noise inside is unbearable for too many. We need to engage a sound engineer to understand our options and then invest in commercial-grade sound dampening technology to allow for a more pleasant eating and programming experience.
Support our Scholarship Fund: $150,000
Need-based scholarships to make the magic of Ramah accessible to all
Name our Covered Patio: $75,000
A place for groups to gather and to learn during meals
Name our Pathways: $18,000
Mezzuzot: $1,800
Name our Outdoor Seating Areas: $10,000
Retention Pond: $200,000 remaining of $1.2 million total
Water is a valuable commodity in Colorado. We must construct a retention pond that can release water back into the stream to offset our usage in times of drought. Failure to move forward with this project will likely result in the Colorado water court adding our rights to the abandonment list, preventing us from being able to expand our program in the future due to a lack of water.
Name our Year Round Administrative and Dining Facility: $500,000
A place for staff to work during the summer and for retreat guests to gather during the winter
Add additional Solar Panels: $60,000
Help us harness the energy from the sun, reduce our energy bills and help the environment (we hope to install three arrays of different sizes in the coming twelve months)
Senior Staff Housing: $200,000
To attract and retain senior staff, we hope to create four additional living areas that can also be used for shoulderseason retreats. We want to build four tiny homes that are connected to our year-round electric and sewer system. By the end of 2025, we hope to have completed Phase I of this project with a proof of concept for future expansion.
Bike Trail Upgrades & Expansion: $75,000
We continue to invest in our mountain biking program to allow campers to develop skills and confidence
2025 Program Development: $100,000
We must continue to invest in creating new, innovative programs and re-invigorating existing ones. We are investing in additional mental health support for staff and campers as well as continuing to grow our staff program and training.
Name our Medical Staff Kitchen & Lounge: $55,000
A place for our medical team space to re-energize during the fast pace of summer camp
Contact Rabbi Eliav at 303-261-8214 x104 or to discuss these or other naming opportunities throughout the ranch.
Become a menschMAKER!
What does it take to transform that kid in front of you? Ramah in the Rockies knows, and we challenge every camper every summer to discover their inner mensch. You, too, can help. By investing as a monthly menschMAKER, you can ensure that every Jewish kid has the opportunity to learn and grow at Ramah in the Rockies, regardless of their family’s ability to pay.
Current menschMAKERs
(As of October 2024)
- Martha Lieberman
- Rebecca Geboff
- Ben Kahn
- Karen Halpert
- Nomi Small
- Matt Levitt
- Deena Cowans
- Gabriella Sonnenschein
- Teddy Reiss
- Josh & Mayla Mendel & Boguslav
- Gabi Wasserman
- Michael Kahan
- Zach Usmani
- Yonah Davis
- Margalit Glasgow
- Miriam Green Potok
- Dan Gavens
- Shalom Mines
- Kenny Shuster
- Scott Spitzer
- Aviva Dollin
- Dave Yedid
- Ari Polsky
- Douglas Wolf
- Alec Heberholz
- Stephen Feinberg
- Brent Bohs
- Avram Pachter
Sign up today
in 5 easy steps:
- Click here to start a new donation
- Enter donation information with either bank account or credit card
- Select “I would like to give to a specific fund” and click “MenschMaker”
- Click “Submit” to confirm your donation
- Celebrate! You are now a monthly menschMAKER, giving a meaningful monthly gift to Ramah in the Rockies!

menschMAKERs giving at $10 or more per month will receive our annual camp t-shirt with menschMAKER printed on the back!
Legacy Gifts
Ramah in the Rockies is excited to announce that we have been selected to participate with 27 other local Jewish organizations in Live On | LIFE & LEGACY™, a program that supports Jewish organizations in securing legacy gifts.
Live On: Build Your Jewish Legacy, an initiative of Rose Community Foundation, and LIFE & LEGACY™, a partnership program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, have joined together to strengthen the Greater Denver/Boulder Jewish communities by encouraging endowment building and legacy giving. Live On | LIFE & LEGACY™ provides training, support, and incentive grants to the participating organizations to encourage legacy gift solicitations and donor commitments that will benefit Jewish organizations for future generations.
To remember Ramah in the Rockies with a gift in your will, trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy please contact rabbi Eliav Bock, at
Declaration of Commitment Form
In keeping with Jewish tradition, I/we wish to share my/our blessings with others. Therefore, I/we make this Declaration of Commitment to help provide for the needs of future generations. Please download the form here: Declaration of Commitment_Ramah in the Rockies
Program Details and Partnerships
The Rose Community Foundation and Harold Grinspoon Foundation are committed to helping Jewish nonprofits secure their future through endowment building and legacy giving. Launched in 2005, Live On: Build Your Jewish Legacy has provided incentive grants, marketing resources and training to 37 organizations to help nonprofits ask for bequests and legacy gifts. To learn more visit
Gift and Tax Information
Ramah in the Rockies is a Colorado not-for-profit 501(c)3 public charity and your donation may qualify for a tax deduction (Tax ID #20-4078988). To remember Ramah in the Rockies with a gift in your will, trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy please contact:
Rabbi Eliav Bock,
Executive Director or 303-261-8214 x104
Join our board
Ramah in the Rockies is actively looking to engage leaders to fill several positions on our board of directors, the elected group of volunteers who support the work of Ramah in the Rockies, and provide mission-based leadership and strategic governance for our organization.
Below is more information about the current desired skill set and commitment we ask from each board member. Being engaged, participating in a committee, and making a meaningful financial contribution are all part of the job. Those interested in non-profit board service, but not ready to make the full board commitment yet, are encouraged to join a committee like finance, fundraising, governance, or program to support board efforts behind the scenes to get a taste. This is an opportunity to have a direct impact on Ramah in the Rockies for generations to come. We are looking for volunteers to join our Program Committee, Governance Committee, and Finance Committee. Committees meet monthly and work with staff and board members. Committee participation is a wonderful way to be involved with Ramah without having a fiduciary responsibility for the organization.
Interested in joining our board of directors or board committee?
Contact Rabbi Eliav Bock at
Board of Directors
(as of February 2023)
- Lauren Applebaum
- David Engleberg
- Elie Friedman (JOLI 2022 observer)
- David Friedland
- Susan Harris
- Scott Michaud, President
- Jennifer Miller
- Boaz Siegel (JOLI 2022 observer)
- Gil Rosenthal, Past President
- Elana Schrager
- Joel Sisk
- Donald Skupsky
- Ben Tischler, Treasurer
Key Board Skills Desired
(As of February 2023)
Budgeting and Financial Planning – CFO, CPA (finance, management), Financial Advisor
- Develop an annual operating budget with staff
- Develop multi-year operating budgets that integrate strategic plan objectives and initiatives
- Connections to financial institutions (including non-profit funding sources)
- Investment Policy (draft, monitor and update)
Accounting/Internal Controls/Reporting – CPA (management), Bookkeeper
- Identify and evaluate appropriate accounting technologies
- Monitoring compliance with accounting policies
- Monitoring bank accounts (restricted, etc.) and investments
- Support financial risk management policies by using industry standards
Tax – CPA (tax), tax attorney
- Select tax accountant
- Review the draft tax return as presented
- Present the tax return to the finance committee/board
- Provide advice regarding tax matters as they arise. Some examples: state employment tax issued (wage and hour), property tax exemptions
Marketing / Advertising / Online Media
- Provide advice around online marketing and digital presence
- Expertise with driving website traffic / SEO / Google Ad Words / Digital Analytics to guide staff decisions
- Introduce new and unique online recruitment tools for campers and staff
- Experience with non-profit fundraising, legacy gifts, and donor engagement
- Support staff with design and implementation of annual fundraising plan
- Help refresh annual “gratitude week” and engage in stewardship for all donors
Corporate Partners
Aurora Organic Dairy
Aurora Organic Dairy supplies our organic milk. Aurora Organic Dairy is the leading producer of private-brand organic milk and butter for U.S. retailers. Based in Boulder, CO, they operate a calf ranch and organic dairy farms in Colorado and Texas, as well as an organic dairy processing plant in Platteville, Colorado. For the past eight summers they have provided us with fresh kosher organic milk throughout the summer.
Leprino Foods
Leprino Foods supplies our kosher mozzarella cheese. Leprino Foods began as a small, family-owned market selling grocery items and handmade cheese in Denver, Colorado and has blossomed into largest mozzarella producer in the world. Leprino cheese is found in many well-known pizzerias, restaurants, private label packages, and frozen foods. The company also is a global leader in dairy nutrition, recognized as the largest lactose producer in the world and a leading supplier of whey protein. We have been using their cheese to make our tasty pizza, grilled cheese, and famous mac N’ cheese for the last seven summers!

Winter Office
Ramah in the Rockies
300 S. Dahlia St., Suite 205
Denver, CO 80246
Phone: (303) 261-8214
Fax: (303) 261-8210
Summer Office
Please call our summer office
at (303) 261-8214 to get directions.