April 14, 2022 | 13 Nissan 5782
This year, as we prepare for our seders, we are thinking about numbers: eight days of Passover, four cups of wine, three matzot, and one Elijah’s cup. We think about the two years that have passed since we began living with COVID–the fear, the illness, the losses, the adjustments, and the growth. We are thinking about our numbers for camp too: the numbers of campers, staff, and animals. We think about the lives we are going to impact, the vehicles needed to transport them, and the final funds we need to raise to make our budget:
$100,000 Cost to install a second solar array at camp and bring our year round waste-water system off the grid

$20,400 The increased cost of rental vehicles from summer 2021 to 2022 (a ~40% increase Y/Y)
1080 Rolls of toilet paper ordered so far for the summer
360 Seed starts growing under blue lights in Beit Kesher that we will eventually plant in our greenhouse and garden
300 New transliterated siddurim designed for our masa program
220 Maximum number of campers on site at any one time during the summer
100 New Friday night siddurim ordered to replace our moldy ones
62 Days until we welcome our first chalutzim back to the chava (ranch)
30 Number of states from which our campers come
20 International staff (excluding Israelis) coming to work at camp to support the maintenance, hospitality and kitchen teams.
14 Horses coming to Ramah in the Rockies
10 Additional space for campers in kayitz 2022

5 Old growth trees removed last month by the electric company to prevent them from falling on power lines as part of their fire mitigation efforts
4 Additional staff members we hope to hire for kayitz 2022
3 Raised beds we will build to begin our new kitchen garden (ultimately growing to 10+ over the next few years)
1 Camper coming from each of the following states: Montana, Missouri, Indiana, Wyoming
0 Dogs currently planning to be with us at camp for the whole summer (help us “adopt” a calm kid-friendly camp dog this summer!)
Chag Sameach! Happy Passover